Job Offer

Marine Officer/Pilot

published on 10 February 2023 603 -

Peel Ports Group
Greenock, United Kingdom

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Video Ro-ro cargo ship"Festivo" struck pier at Ceuta, Spain while berthing

published on 8 July 2020

Ro-ro cargo ship FESTIVO struck pier at Ceuta while berthing on arrival from Algeciras, at around 1300 UTC Jul 6. Cause of accident unknown, both ship’s bow and pier sustained damages.


Video Stern-First Method for POD Ships –Practical samples starting with Twin screw followed by POD ships

published on 12 August 2022

Practical samples for manoeuvres for ships going astern - as Stern-First-Method SFM. Introduction using as sample from the Master Thesis by Karel Wiegert for an arrival manoeuvre of a cruise vessel in Southampton port with a Twin-screw vessel under strong current. The same manoeuvre with the same ship model was used to show the advantage of Fast Time Simulation FTS using the SAMMON Planning Tool. This goes much faster than the manoeuvres in the real time simulator - and it can even be...


Video OMC International - DUKC® Explained

published on 14 October 2019

A in-depth video explaining how DUKC® works.


Article Norway’s Seas Become Home for a Young Woman - Norway´s First Female Maritime Pilot

by Mauri Moore Shuler - published on 4 August 2022

She just finished school in Norway, and “a 19 year old rebel,” admits Captain Breivik about her younger self. She didn’t know what to do next, but Solgunn Hamme Breivik certainly never expected to make history.


Article Danish Butter Cookies...

by Marine Pilot Luis Vale, Portugal - published on 17 July 2019

Why “Danish Butter Cookies” are a part of the standard navigational equipment…


Video Nederlands Loodswezen: Instruction for Embarking & Debarking

published on 20 October 2021

Loodswezen Instructie Embarkeren Debarkeren.
Unfortunately only in Dutch without subtitles.


Video Oversized Kasko through Kiel Canal by NAUTITEC / KOTUG / BIJMA

published on 29 July 2020

Going Beyond Borders. The first oversized Kasko (120m x 40m) passed the Holtenau locks at Kiel on her way from the Neptun shipyard in Rostock to Meyer shipyard in Papenburg.
The planning and simulation study on this towage has been performed by NAUTITEC and KOTUG, with the great assistance of pilots and Kiel canal authorities on behalf of Meyer shipyard.
Produced by AVE-Solutions in order of Nautitec, Kotug and Bijma Sleepdiensten.


Video Deep Sea Pilotage - Boarding on EVER ACE

published on 15 June 2022
Deep Sea Pilotage boarding on EVER ACE World Largest Ship !
In Cherbourg on september 3rd 2021 for it maiden voyage to Rotterdam.
Deep North Sea Pilot - Superior pilot services for the Channel and North Sea waters.


Article Vessel Review by Baird Maritime: "DPC Dodder" - Ireland

by Baird Maritime - published on 29 August 2022

Dublin Port Company (DPC) of Ireland has taken delivery of a new pilot boat from UK-based Goodchild Marine Services. DPC Dodder is the second pilot boat in a series to be built by Goodchild Marine for the same owner.