Job Offer

Marine Pilot, Port of Melbourne & Geelong

published on 17 April 2023 562 -

Auriga Group Pty Ltd
Melbourne, Australia

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Article Master and Chief Engineer plead guilty in MV Funing case

published on 22 September 2020

The Master and Chief Engineer of the log-carrier MV Funing, have today been sentenced and fined after admitting charges relating to the grounding of the ship at the Port of Tauranga in July.

Master Liang Guang Hong and Chief Engineer Chameekara Prasad Nanayakkara both entered guilty pleas in the Tauranga District Court on 10 September to charges brought by Maritime NZ under the Maritime Transport Act (MTA) 1994.


Video Dynamic failure of pilot boats: Risk mitigation & management

published on 12 December 2020

Following a surf riding and broaching incident and subsequent collision by an experienced vessel operator, QinetiQ have been undertaking extensive investigations into the risk mitigation and safety management of pilotage operations. This presentation looks to discuss the risks presented during pilotage services, and provide a critical review of vessel design and service delivery approaches to understand the potential risk mitigations and management of pilot boat safety.


Article Savannah Pilots take delivery of new pilot boat

published on 23 March 2022

Earlier this month, Snow & Company of Seattle, Wash., handed off Savannah, the first of two new 64-foot aluminum pilot boats to the Savannah Pilots Association.


Video Live test of 275 N lifejacket in combination with a backpack.

published on 30 September 2021

During a sea survival training, the 275 Newton standard issue of the Dutch pilots was put to the test in combination with a small backpack.


Video CoastGuard Mooloolaba visit Poseidon Sea Pilots

published on 7 April 2022

Poseidon Sea Pilots (an AMS Group subsidiary) invited our CoastGuard team to check out the new Pilot boats that are operating out of Mooloolaba.
These Pilots work night & day escorting large ships in and out of the port of Brisbane.


Video Montrose Port Authority Pilot Boat Arrival

published on 29 December 2022

Montrose Port Authority's new pilot boat was welcomed by water cannons as it arrived at its new home at the port of Montrose on Thursday 22nd December, making its journey from Ireland where the boat was constructed.
Read more about the pilot boat arrival on the Montrose Port Authority website:


Video Milford Pilots during lock down (Pilot Movie 3)

published on 1 August 2020

milford pilots during lock down


Opinion Five questions for Douglas Vincett, Industrial & Technical Sales at Spinlock

published on 9 December 2020

In our new new section “Five questions for ..." introduces pilots and other market players to our readers in short interviews.

Today we have talked to Douglas Vincett, Industrial & Technical Sales at Spinlock.


Video (4K) Sea Bear Pilot Boat 14 April 2020

published on 17 April 2020

The "Sea Bear", (ex "Narrows") was built in 1959 in Massachusetts for use as a pilot boat in New York. Ed Montgomery, at Sea Service, LLC, bought her and brought her to the Twin Ports in September, 2002.


Video Piloting car carrier "Felicity Ace", from Brixham Pilot Station (2022 RIP)

published on 30 March 2022

Mission ended well and disembarked on 13/12/2021. She didn't. Weekes later she caught major fire and sank South of the Azores in the Atlantic Ocean. Fortunately, the crew abandoned the ship and no casualties were reported.