Job Offer


published on 20 June 2023 599 -

Cooper Marine
Alabama, USA

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Video Is this a safe disembarkation?

published on 19 October 2021

At the end of the disembarking procedure, the pilot jumps on ropes onto the pilot boat. Is this often seen practice safe? Can the pilot resolve the situation better?


Article Harbour Master Naresh Sewnath navigates his way to success

published on 13 October 2020

Two decades ago, candidates were selected for TNPA's accelerated training programme in Rotterdam, which aimed to train a new generation of ship pilots, managers and other maritime professionals.


Video Cargo ship ONE Apus loses more than 1,800 containers in Pacific storm

published on 11 December 2020

The Japanese-flagged container ship ONE Apus has lost 1,816 cargo carriers after it was caught up in a violent storm in the Pacific on November 30, 2020. The vessel arrived December 8 in the Japanese port of Kobe, where shipowners and managers said a full safety inspection would be carried out. The incident is described as the second biggest cargo loss in shipping history.


Article Port of Townsville expands pilot boat fleet with Hart Marine´s ORC 173

published on 7 December 2021

Port of Townsville latest Mantaray HM ORC 173, along with all Port of Townsville’s pilot boat fleet is defined by the Pantocarene designed beak bow vessels that are the forefront of pilot vessel desingn worldwide.


Article Summer Edition of the BPC Pilotage Quarterly published

published on 15 August 2022

The Summer Edition of the Board of Pilotage Commissioners has published the latest edition of their quarterly report "The BPC Pilotage Quarterly"


Article Pilot/Marine Officer

published on 21 November 2022

CentrePort is a major part of New Zealand's supply chain, providing critical infrastructure and transport solutions to the regional and national economy.


Video Getting to work via the pilot cutter and Tees Foyboat

published on 3 June 2021

Getting to work via the pilot cutter and Tees Foyboat.


Video Deep draft tanker to sea

published on 29 August 2020

It does not happen very often that we have a Eurochannel bound ship to sea. In this case the MARIA P LEMOS, 333 m with a draft of 20,7 m left Rotterdam underway to the Far East .


Article Lessons learned: Failure of outboard side combination railing

published on 17 February 2022

According to the International Maritime Pilots Association (IMPA), the ship “Grand Radiant” suffered an incident where the accommodation ladder entire outboard side railing fell away due to a pin becoming loose.


Video Cielo di Iyo met by Harbor Pilot

published on 20 January 2021

In early December, just as I was starting to get into ship spotting, I saw a couple of vessels headed up river towards Philly. One of them, the Cielo di Iyo met with the harbor pilot right as I had my drone up. I was able to capture the Pilot coming to meet the vessel and CLIMBING the ladder to get on board just before she passed beneath the Walt Whitman Bridge.