Job Offer

Marine Pilot

published on 1 September 2023 772 -

A.P. Moller - Maersk
Rajula, Gujarat, India

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Grounding of Orient Centaur

published on 15 November 2019

On 6 November 2017, the fully laden, mini cape-size dry bulk carrier Orient Centaur was transiting the South Channel, Weipa, Queensland, outbound under the conduct of harbour pilots as part of a trial introduction of this size of ship to the port. While in the South Channel, the ship’s main engine shut down due to a loss of water from a cracked engine cooling component, and propulsion was lost. Shortly after, the ship grounded on the northern batter of the channel. The stern then slowly...


Article Costa Diadema transits Suez under remote pilotage

by - published on 3 April 2020

On Monday, March 23, 2020, Admiral Osama Rabie announced the successful transit of the Italian passenger ship COSTA DIADEMA in the northbound convoy through the new Suez Canal, coming from the United Arab Emirates heading to Italy. Special measures were applied, as 65 Coronavirus cases were reported on board which required piloting the vessel remotely through pilotage team boarded on two escorting tugs in full coordination with the transit control offices and navigation monitoring stations in a first of its kind scenario in the history of the Suez Canal.


Video Launching Forth Ports Pilot Boat (2018)

published on 19 April 2021

Time lapse video of the launching of our latest 16m Pilot Boat which now features a resiliently mounted superstructure which lowers noise levels and improves crew comfort.


Video AMPI Conference in Port Moresby

published on 8 July 2024

Australasian Marine Pilots Institute or AMPI held its first ever regional conference outside of Australia in Port Moresby.
The conference opened on Monday night and it continued today and tomorrow with discussions on regulation, pilotage in PNG, training, towage, transfers and technology.


Video How fast we can save a life, with the Pacific Pilot Boats

published on 3 June 2022

In this part two video of the man overboard drill series. In one continuous take and no speed adjustments. You can see once the dummy is launched in the water. How fast the crew can come to a complete stop. The boats captain moves to the stern control station, Deploy the stern scoop and rescue the survivor. All of this happing in less than two minuets. An amazing display of teamwork and skill. Filmed using a DJI Mini 2 If you are interested in purchasing a Mini here is a link to my DJI...


Opinion Arie Palmers: "A case with a non compliant pilot transfer arrangement"

by Arie Palmers - published on 26 August 2024

Despite clear regulations and regular maintenance requirements, safety often falls by the wayside, as the current example of a bulk carrier vividly demonstrates.


Video Cork pilot boat- Failte

published on 19 January 2021


Article celebrates its second birthday today

by Frank Diegel - published on 14 October 2021

Our community is growing day by day and all of us at say "Thank you!" to everyone who supports us and makes our platform for pilots possible. Look at our facts and figures and services:


Video Amazing Piloting I How A Pilot Drives The Ship

published on 3 May 2021

A ship may berth port or starboard side on or bow or stem on. The term “berth” refers to the quay, or wharf, or, pier or jetty where the ship comes alongside, but it may also mean a place in which a vessel is moored or anchored.


Video Towards Autonomous Ships – Flag State Involvement and Regulatory Aspects

published on 30 June 2021

By C. Balls, Cayman Registry at the Autonomous Ships online conference 17 June 2020