
Port of Stockton: River Pilots

published on 17 December 2019 243 -

The San Francisco Bar Pilots are one of the important cogs in our supply chain wheel. They are tasked with boarding the vessels eleven miles west of the Golden Gate Bridge via a rope ladder often in rough seas and taking control of the vessels en route to the Port of Stockton. Once on the bridge of the ship, the Pilot oversees navigation and ensures the safe passage of ships into the Bay and through the Delta until it is secured alongside its berth at the Port. Without these Pilots the Port could not perform its mission to provide jobs and economic stability for the region. Within the larger San Francisco Bar Pilots Association there is a smaller subdivision that is approved to take vessels all the way to the Port of Stockton. They are called the River Pilots and this is their story…
San Francisco, Port Stockton
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Video North Sea pilots in the storm (documentation, german with subtitles)

published on 20 February 2023

Für Lotsen ist es der gefährlichste Moment in ihrem Berufsalltag: bei orkanartigen Böen von einem Frachtschiff eine Strickleiter herunterklettern und auf ein kleines Lotsenboot übersetzen. Mitte Januar 2023 ist ein Lotse bei Borkum ins Meer gefallen und kam mit Unterkühlungen ins Krankenhaus. Erst wenige Tage zuvor verstarb ein englischer Kollege bei diesem Manöver. Hafenlotse Gerhard Janßen und Seelotse Dominik Thieben machen sich für ihren Einsatz bereit. Bei Windstärke acht geht es mit...


Video Good old times: PLA Thames Pilots at Work

published on 18 May 2020

Footage showing the ARCADIA leaving Tilbury Landing Stage and PLA pilot boarding sugar ship bound for Thames Refinery. footage taken from the documentary short film ' Till I End My Song'


Opinion Positioning of vessel at berth by using bridge wing gyro repeater

by Capt. Girish Chandra - published on 14 April 2020

Today I will discuss a very simple and useful practical trick often used by pilots.

When we have to berth a vessel with small clearances forward and aft (say 20 to 25 mtr fwd and aft) it is very essential that you are able to estimate your position. Now most of the time you have a berthing supervisor on jetty who will help you with position.


Video Docking a Mega Ship -- How Marine Pilot Manoeuvres a Ship in Port?

published on 24 July 2020

#dockingship #marinepilot Docking a Mega ship in a busy port requires an experienced marine pilot to ensure safe ship docking operation. This video is an excellent overview of how marine pilot manoeuvres a ship into the port. Manoeuvring is an operation during which a vessel enters or exits coastal waters of a country, crosses several ships on the way, and proceeds towards or departs from a berth or jetty of a port. Shot By an experienced marine pilot Syatibi Azhari, who assisted MSC Ambra,...


Video Ships in Freeport of Riga

published on 28 October 2019

Ships in Freeport of Riga


Video Japan Federation of Pilots' Associations (partly animated)

published on 23 June 2021

This is a video designed to educate people about pilots and their work. It consists of an animated version and a live action version.


Article Turkish Chief officer fell into water checking draft, died, Russia

published on 6 February 2022

Chief officer of bulk carrier İNCE EGE fell into water from pilot ladder while trying to read draft marks at Taman port, Russia, Black sea, understood early in the morning Feb 4, at nigh time.


Article Rosmorport pilots perform test pilotage operation for a vessel with extended dimensions

by Port News - published on 16 June 2021

This operation was carried out as part of a study of the capability of vessels of 142 meters length to enter and leave the seaport of Vyborg in the daylight.


Video Departing Miami on Norwegian Sky & Pilot Boat

published on 28 February 2020

It is time to depart Miami on our 5 Day Florida & Bahamas cruise aboard Norwegian Sky - follow along as we pass South Beach and watch the pilot leave the ship and head back to Miami!


Video Amazing Piloting I How A Pilot Drives The Ship

published on 3 May 2021

A ship may berth port or starboard side on or bow or stem on. The term “berth” refers to the quay, or wharf, or, pier or jetty where the ship comes alongside, but it may also mean a place in which a vessel is moored or anchored.