MARIN has done model tests with a model of the msc Zoe in one of its test facilities, to find out what caused the msc Zoe to lose containers and how we can prevent this in the future.
MARIN has done model tests with a model of the msc Zoe in one of its test facilities, to find out what caused the msc Zoe to lose containers and how we can prevent this in the future.
Article Final Report following the loss of containers from MSC ZOE (1/1/2019)
by - published on 29 June 2020
Video Fathom Safety (UK): New Online Pilot Ladder Training
published on 13 February 2024
Video The difference between Gross Tonnage and Net Tonnage
published on 14 July 2020
Using pictures and sketches, this video finally explains the difference between gross tonnage (GRT) and net tonnage (NRT); the ship spaces that are included/excluded in their calculation; and the importance of these terms to ship owners.
Contents of this video will benefit mariners preparing for exams (written and oral examinations).
Opinion Master pilot exchange (MPEX) – share your information
by Gard AS - published on 4 September 2020
Video S-102 Bathymetric Surface Product for a Safe Passage
published on 13 July 2020
Specialized training for maritime pilots
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada – June 23, 2020 – The Maritime Simulation and Resource Centre (MSRC), a world-class pilot simulation training and port feasibility studies facility, is pleased to announce the release of an informational video on the new S-102 standards on surface bathymetry products.
In the video, Captain Pascal Rhéaume, pilot and member of the technical committee for the Corporation of Lower St-Lawrence Pilots, an active stakeholder...
Video Maneuvering information onboard - Pilot Card, Wheelhouse Poster and ...
published on 14 July 2020
This video explains the IMO resolution on the provision and display of maneuvering information on board ships, particularly the pilot card, wheelhouse poster and maneuvering booklet. the layout and contents of each are explained as well. Contents of this video will benefit mariners preparing for exams (written and oral examinations). Mariners will also benefit by watching the following videos: Duties of the SAR mission coordinator: Duties of the on-scene...
Video Halifax pilot boat in big swells alongside a ship
published on 3 November 2021
Video Information about novel Coronavirus from the World Health Organization (WHO)
published on 19 March 2020
What do you know about the novel Coronavirus that is causing a health emergency? Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. Watch this short video to find out more. Further resources are available online here: https://...
Video Cosco Shipping Universe
published on 2 September 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemy restricts our daily lives more and more, Shipping Lines, Ports, Linesmen, Tugs an Pilots will never stop. We are all part in a big chain that keeps moving cargoes anytime, worldwide. Today we may wear face masks, we do not shake hands anymore, and we stay at a safe distance from each other onboard. But we keep them ships moving. This is a short video about the outgoing COSCO SHIPPING UNIVERSE, a 400 meter long ULCS, from Yangtzekanaal, Euromax Terminal to sea.