
14.5m Pilot Boat Pilotine ST-P145 (chantier Sibiril Technologies)

published on 9 September 2020 412 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Pierre Delion".
M53-01 ST-P145 IPS
Fiche :

Essais en baie de Seine
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Video MSC MIA contacted gantry crane in Valencia Sep 13 2020

published on 13 September 2020

One of the biggest ships in the world, 23,000+ TEU container ship MSC MIA, contacted gantry crane while leaving container terminal at Valencia, Spain, in the morning Sep 13. Crane collapsed, crane operator sustained injures and was hospitalized.


Video Pilot Leaving Ship Vigo

published on 31 March 2023


Article Container vessel MSC MIA took down crane in Valencia, Spain

by - published on 13 September 2020

One of the biggest ships in the world, 23,000+ TEU container ship MSC MIA, reportedly contacted gantry crane while leaving container terminal at Valencia.


Video Hvasser Pilot Station, Norway

published on 16 November 2020

The pilot boat in Hvasser is going to pick up a pilot from a tank ship.


Video Pilot Boat

published on 9 January 2022

Taking the Pilot ashore


Video Pilot Boats Series: PILOT63 17m Self-righting Pilot Boat | Sea Trial

published on 18 August 2021

17m Self-righting Pilot Boat by Cheoy Lee Shipyards Name: PILOT 63 Designer: Camarc Design Overall length: 17.3m Designed speed: 25 knots . . For more production information, please visit our website: . . . . . Performance • Innovation • Reliability • Quality • Service . . Ref: 5210 (sister-ship: #5209 PILOT 62)


Video How fast we can save a life, with the Pacific Pilot Boats

published on 3 June 2022

In this part two video of the man overboard drill series. In one continuous take and no speed adjustments. You can see once the dummy is launched in the water. How fast the crew can come to a complete stop. The boats captain moves to the stern control station, Deploy the stern scoop and rescue the survivor. All of this happing in less than two minuets. An amazing display of teamwork and skill. Filmed using a DJI Mini 2 If you are interested in purchasing a Mini here is a link to my DJI...


Video ProZero Workboats in the MOSES project2020

published on 25 January 2022

ProZero International are proud partners in the MOSES project2020 and in the video, you can learn more on our contributions to the project, and the expeceted outcome.
MOSES: Automated Vessels and Supply Chain Optimisation for Sustainable Short SEa Shippping


Video Kenya’s First Female Marine Pilot Elizabeth Marami

published on 13 January 2021

Elizabeth Marami, 28, has made history by becoming Kenya’s first female marine pilot. Born and bred in the coastal city Mombasa, Marami initially studied law at the University of Nairobi, but later changed course and went on to pursue navigation in Alexandria, Egypt for 5 years. “I always grew up knowing that I wanted to do something different, Something out of the ordinary. Being awarded a scholarship to pursue this career was God’s answered prayer…,” she says.


Article Unconfirmed reports say a pilot boat collided with the container ship GODSPEED in Taipei, Taiwan.

by - published on 9 March 2020

Apparently there were two crew members on board, but no pilot. One of crew was recovered and declared dead, another one, skipper of the boat, is missing.