Video Bob Peacock "Maritime Pilot", Maine / NewBrunswick - Part 1
published on 10 September 2020
Video Maritime Pilotage, Monitoring Pilot Orders , (By ATSB)
published on 11 January 2023
Video M/T TOWER BRIDGE inbound to Europoort
published on 20 July 2020
Video Maiden call Ever Act, Worlds largest eases from Felixstowe 9 with 4 Svitzer tugs 27th October 2021
published on 29 October 2021
The Ever Act, the worlds largest and the second to be built out of a series of 12 record breaking vessels prepares to depart Felixstowe Berth 9 with a maximum draught of 10.2 metres for her next port of Hamburg. As the DFDS ferry was heading inbound at the North Shipwash, Harwich VTS had asked then to make best speed so they planned to get the Suecia Seaways through before the Ever Act broke away. A Harwich Haven Pilot Launch heads over from Harwich with a pilot for the Ever Act....
Video So Long Solina! The Local Captain Takes His Leave November 2, 2021
published on 9 February 2022
A more unique angle regarding freighter departures; I was able to film the routine disembarking of one of our local ship captains and officers after piloting Solina out of the harbor. This is a required procedure, as per US Maritime Laws, all international freighters must be piloted in and out of a US harbor by a US Captain. Here we have out local pilot vessel Sea Bear running up alongside the Solina to allow the two officers to depart the freighter before she heads out across Lake Superior
Opinion AMPI Position Paper: Ethical use of pilotage data
by Australasian Marine Pilots Institute - published on 31 July 2024
Video BROFJORDEN (SWEDEN) ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE / Coastal islands, PREEM / Tanker manoeuvring, pilotage.
published on 15 March 2025
Arrival to and Departure from port of Brofjorden, Preem terminal, quay 5.
Ships handling and manoeuvrings of oil/chemical tanker during pilotage in restricted coastal waters and between beautiful Swedish islands. Approaching terminal, mooring & unmooring operations.
for inquiries
Video North Sea pilot boarding
published on 27 August 2024
Video Maritime Training: Pilot Ladders: Safe Rigging Procedures
published on 25 February 2020
Video Safe Boarding of Vessels at Sea with GAC
published on 23 February 2022
Boarding a vessel at sea can be dangerous. By following simple rules, it can be done safely. This safety video shows you how to leave the launch boat and climb the ladder when boarding vessels at sea safely as well as boarding preparations, safety precautions and boarding under special conditions. The 3 types of boarding arrangements for pilot are also explained. Watch with sound on. Transfers are normally safe when everyone takes all the precautions. If you think it is unsafe, remember to...