
Covid-19 Pilotage Guidelines by country (gathered by IMPA)

by Frank Diegel - published on 25 October 2021 173 -

The COVID-19 pandemic is evolving very differently around the world, often moving in waves that hit continents and countries at different times. While in some countries the situation is currently easing, elsewhere on the planet COVID-19 is again developing in a worrying way.

The fact is that the pandemic will keep the pilots of this world busy for a long time to come and that the pilots are working in a particularly exposed and sensitive place where many people from different countries come together. Pilots do a systemically important job for their country and their employer and they therefore deserve special protection.

The way health and safety is handled differs from country to country and internationally there are often very different opinions on how pilots should protect themselves during COVID-19.

IMPA has done a great job in putting together the different protocols and guidelines for each country here:
Each pilot association and each country can get a good overview of how other colleagues approach safety.
Ship crews can see which rules apply in which country.
In any case, this list from IMPA is worth looking through and reading.
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