
ENORMOUS SHIP Pilot swinging from crane over water ULCC Ghazal720P HD

published on 3 October 2020 71 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Etman Osman".
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Video "Rope Ladders" by PTR Holland

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"Rope Ladders" by PTR Holland


Video Otaru/Sapporo Marine Pilot Disembarkation

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We bid farewell to our Otaru marine pilot just outside Otaru Harbor, Japan. The crew of the pilot tug were particularly fastidious about not marking up the side of the Viking Orion during the operations, spraying the interface with water, even though that might have made the transfer more hazardous for the pilot. From the Viking Orion, October 2024


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Article Pilots Corner – A perspective from New Zealand

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The next step for NZMPA is to issue a set of regulator-endorsed guidance notes. The first version will focus on accommodation ladders used in conjunction with pilot ladders.


Article Three new pilot boats for Flinders Ports (Australia)

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South Australian port operator Flinders Ports (FP) has entered into an agreement to purchase three new pilot vessels over the next three years from Melbourne-based boatbuilder Hart Marine.


Video Suez canal blocked: attempts continue to free stuck megaship Ever Given

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Efforts to free the giant container ship are continuing after the 400m-long vessel became stuck in the Suez canal. Local authorities attempted to dislodge the 220,000 ton vessel from the banks of the canal using tug boats, but the megaship remains stuck more than one day after it ran aground.


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Campagne de prévention "LA SÉCURITÉ DES MARINS, TOUS ACTEURS, TOUS GAGNANTS". Témoignage de Thomas Levillain, pilote à la station de pilotage de la Seine au Havre.