
AIMPA’s Webinar on “Reconceptualising Indian Maritime Pilotage" on 24th Oct 2020.

published on 4 November 2020 61 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Marine-Pilots". Recorded on 2020-10-24.
The need to hold such a webinar was felt from the interaction over several months of AIMPA members through its President, Capt. Gajanan Karanjikar, with Capt Simon Meyjes and Capt.Ravi Nijjer - both instrumental in the thorough upgrade of pilotage operations Safety management systems in parts of Australia. From these interactions, AIMPA has come to the firm conclusion that a thorough upgrade of maritime pilotage management systems in India is necessary. Holding a webinar would be a good start to help bring about such change.

The webinar was held on 24th Oct 2020 on a platform graciously provided by the Institute of Marine Engineers of India (IMEI). Maritime Fraternity supported the event as ‘must have’ and professional bodies like Nautical Institute and company of Master mariners supported the event full-fledged. As contacted with Chirp Maritime UK, their Marine Operations director Mr Jeff Parfitt not only supported the event but also agreed to be one of the speakers.

As many as seven accomplished experts in the field of maritime pilotage management were requested to share their views using short presentations of about 10 minutes each. Two moderators, each a very accomplished maritime professional, were also impanelled.
The intent of the webinar was to spark ideas and opinions which, after some analysis and moderation, could be put up by AIMPA as a set of recommendations for both policies as well as decision makers in India to consider.

The response to the webinar was very encouraging. As many as 500+ persons registered. For students in various maritime training institutes in India as well the wider public too, the webinar proceedings were streamed live via Facebook and Youtube.

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Gajanan Karanjikar India
on 5 November 2020, 00:54 UTC

Thank you for giving out a space to publish this. We want these efforts to go to every corner of the world and people handling Maritime pilots become more aware of about Pilot ladder and safety in Pilot transfer.

Thank you very much.


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