
Should the Captain go down with the sinking ship?

published on 9 November 2020 79 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Mel's Musings".
1:19 What is the history?

2:14 If we fast forward to the modern era, what has changed?

3:00 How have things impacted the modern Captain?

3:33 What are the typical laws on the subject in some countries?

4:05 How is it different from other leadership positions?

5:34 What needs to change?

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Music - Driving Ambition by Ahjay Stelino (
Background Picture - Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash (

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Sanjeev Pande Ocean Sparkle Limited, India
on 12 November 2020, 06:02 UTC

Thank you for making this video. The need for a re-think on today's Captains having all the responsibility but practically no authority in crucial parts of a ship's operation is a must. An amendment in the ISM Code should be aimed at. Instead of that code just saying, "the Master has the over riding authority on matters of safety and environment protection", it should say something like, "the Master and the Ship Owner (that is, the entity/entities exercising technical,operational and commercial control of the ship) shall together, in equal measure, have the authority and responsibility for the safety of lives and the marine environment and which shall be exercised through the master. The responsibility to defend against criminal and/or civil suits filed by States due to accidents involving the vessel that result in loss of life or serious injury or damage to the marine environment shall rest with all parties to the common maritime adventure i.e. shipowners/operators, charterers to the extent of each's contributory acts that led to the accident as determined by the Court of Law under whose jurisdiction the suits arise."

Wishful thinking?


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