
Port Pilots of probably Barcelona

published on 2 March 2021 732 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "badseagull". Recorded on 2021-02-25. Originally published on 2021-02-24.
In this video we can see how a pilot boat (probably Barcelona) approached the vessel to disembark the pilot.
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Article Container vessel MSC MIA took down crane in Valencia, Spain

by - published on 13 September 2020

One of the biggest ships in the world, 23,000+ TEU container ship MSC MIA, reportedly contacted gantry crane while leaving container terminal at Valencia.


Video 14.5m Pilot Boat Pilotine ST-P145 (chantier Sibiril Technologies)

published on 9 September 2020

M53-01 ST-P145 IPS
Fiche :
Essais en baie de Seine


Video MSC MIA contacted gantry crane in Valencia Sep 13 2020

published on 13 September 2020

One of the biggest ships in the world, 23,000+ TEU container ship MSC MIA, contacted gantry crane while leaving container terminal at Valencia, Spain, in the morning Sep 13. Crane collapsed, crane operator sustained injures and was hospitalized.


Video DNV GL Identifies ‘Safety Gap’ as Maritime Transforms

published on 19 February 2021

As the marine industry digests decarbonization, digitalization and autonomy, DNV GL warns that a keen eye must stay on identifying and mitigating safety risks.


Article Safe Passage - Edition Summer 2021/22

by Australasian Marine Pilots Institute - published on 15 November 2021

In this issue:
- Feauture Article - Performance Standards for Marine Simulation
- Presidents Report
- The Changes in Piloting over 18 years
- Facts & Furphies about Portable Pilot Units


Video Ship manoeuvring in port MV Navios Amarillo.

published on 16 October 2020

Unberthing NBCT ,Penang, Malaysia.
#marinepilot #shiphandling #manoeuvre #port #seaman #tug #ship #marine


Video Pilot Boat Irago No.6 - Kobe & Nagoya

published on 7 January 2022

Ship spotting at Kobe and Nagoya Japan featuring some cargo ships & boats (Port code: JPNGO & JPUKB). By the way, if you are new to this Channel, and if you like airplanes, ships & vehicles, please do consider hitting the LIKE & SUBSCRIBE button, as well as the bell button so you'll get notified once I upload similar videos. Enjoy the video. Salamat at Mabuhay! Ship spotting South Korea: Ship spotting Singapore: Pilot Boat of New...


Article A review of the ship’s pivot point: Science, Maths and Observation’ Where is the centre of a ship’s rotation?

by Tim Cummins, Harbour Pilot, Portsmouth International Port - published on 17 July 2020

This my attempt to do just that. This is a summary of all scientific papers and articles that I could find about the ship’s pivot point. I have added links to any videos associated with the publications and have also included any useful diagrams or equations that the authors published to help explain their research.