
How SHIP Navigate Through Ice (Part-2, Conversation With Pilot & Captain)

published on 29 May 2021 78 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "SEASCAPE". Recorded on 2021-04-15. Originally published on 2021-05-28.


In person Appearing - Captain Thomas Madsen
Harbour Pilot, ST. Petersburg
Company Credit -
Location - Saint Petersburg, Russia
Vessel - Venta Maersk
Calender - (JANUARY - APRI), 2021
Music credit - Stock Music Filmora

All video was shot on GoPro Hero 9
Edited through Adobe Light Room & Wondershare Filmora

If you have not seen the 1st part find the link below

How SHIP Navigate Through Ice (Part-1, Maneuvering)

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Saint Petersburg
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