
Shiphandling: Stopping & Speed vector

published on 17 June 2021 391 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "ISSIMS - Innovative Ship Simulation". Originally published on 2020-04-14.
SAMMON Lecturing Video describing

"Stopping & Speed Vector"

SAMMON - the IDEAL tool to identify manoeuvring capabilities of a ship - SAMMON - learning the EFFECTIVE way
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Video How Ship Anchor Works? - Procedure For Anchoring a Ship at Sea

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#Anchor #shipanchor #windlass Anchoring is one of the very frequent operations onboard ships. A number of variables and external factors influence the duration and location of an anchoring operation. While the type of seabed is of utmost importance during anchoring, soft muddy grounds or clay bottoms are best preferred. It should be taken care that the anchoring bottom is free of power lines, submarine cables, pipelines or rocks. Various methods on anchoring include consideration of...


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Video PilotTracker Case Study the Greater Houston Port Bureau - GHPB

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The Port of Houston has been implementing Pilot Tracker, to improve efficiency and decision-making processes through data sharing.
According to Christine Schlenker, VP of the Greater Houston Bureau, “ Pilot Tracker is a good first step for port digitalisation, because it’s easy to implement and it has a strong, immediate impact for the port community”.
Want to know more about Pilot Tracker? Visit the link below and get in touch with one of our team members!


Video "Sea Pilots" collection by Camp David. Original advertising video

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Authentic Style! Die neue Kollektion Sea Pilots ist den Navigationsexperten gewidmet, die bei rauesten Bedingungen die größten Containerschiffe der Welt sicher in den Hafen lotsen. Plakative Prints, robuste Materialien, coole Signalfarben und sportliche Details spiegeln den Charakter der Linie wider. T-Shirts, Polos, Hemden, Pullover und Jacken werden von stylischen High Top Sneakern perfekt abgerundet. Jetzt entdecken!


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