
Promo Video - Shallow Water Effects - Maritime/ Marine/ Shipping Safety Training Video.

published on 17 June 2021 90 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "KARCO". Originally published on 2021-01-04.
Navigation of vessels in shallow waters and narrow channels face the added risk of SQUAT, BOW CUSHION, BANK SUCTION, and SHIP INTERACTION effects.

'Shallow Water Effects' - The New KARCO video which promises to bring immense training value for navigators, has been developed using very effective 3D Animation &VFX.

The main points for development & synopsis of the video are:

- Deals with the growing concern of navigational incidents in shallow waters and narrow channels.
- Helps understand the “Bernoulli's Principle” and its practical application onboard the vessels.
- Appreciate how the same principle affects the navigation of vessels in shallow waters.
- Visually comprehend clearly the effect of Squat, Bow Cushion, Bank Suction, and Ship Interaction which has the potential of leading to serious navigation incidents.
- Identify the role played by the “Block coefficient and “Speed of the Vessel” in the squat calculation.
- Pre-empt the situations which will cause these effects and learn the corrective actions to be implemented well in time.
- Suitable for All Kinds of vessels.
- It is very relevant for all navigational watchkeepers.
- Can be hosted on the Learning Management System TrACE, which facilitates an assessment at end of the video.

Watch all this and more! in the latest release from KARCO.

#shippingindustry #shipmanagement #maritimeindustry
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