
Teesport (UK) Pilot Boat

published on 28 July 2021 28 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Never Mind Your Own - drone". Originally published on 2021-07-23.
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Article Metal Shark Announces New 55-Foot Pilot Boat Now Under Construction

by - published on 29 April 2020

Shipbuilder Metal Shark is building a welded aluminum 55’ x 17’ pilot boat for the Pascagoula Bar Pilots Association in Mississippi.

Designed in-house, the new 55 Defiant Pilot being built for Pascagoula Pilots represents the latest evolution in Metal Shark’s pilot boat lineup. The distinctive vessel incorporates the“faceted hull” design initially developed by Metal Shark for the US Navy 40 PB program, and features an enhanced version of Metal Shark’s signature “pillarless glass” in a two-tiered, reverse-raked arrangement.


Article Pilot spots dolphins in Kopli Bay (Estonia)

by - published on 7 June 2020

Marine pilot Indrek Sülla (Eesti Loots) spotted dolphins in the waters of Kopli Bay, off the coast of Tallinn, a few days ago. This is a very special event in this region and so far north.


Article Improve comfort, safety and maneuvering with Humphree.

published on 24 September 2020

By using Humphree's trim and stabilization system, you will reduce resistance, fuel consumption and environmental impact. It also means that the best possible performance and stability is achieved.

Humphree USA reports that it has won numerous orders this year for its automatic stabilization technology in the North American pilot boat segment, with nine new boats either delivered or under construction for eight different pilot associations.


Video (4K) Sea Bear Pilot Boat 14 April 2020

published on 17 April 2020

The "Sea Bear", (ex "Narrows") was built in 1959 in Massachusetts for use as a pilot boat in New York. Ed Montgomery, at Sea Service, LLC, bought her and brought her to the Twin Ports in September, 2002.


Article iHelm Decision Support for pilot boats for Sjöfartsverket

published on 6 July 2023

Pilot boats are an essential part of our maritime world where they provide safe passage for ships to and from the harbor. The Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA) has 23 pilot stations in Sweden.


Video Muir Pilot Strait Of Canso

published on 4 March 2024

Pilot boat "Muir Pilot" departing Pirate Harbour


Article Vessel Review by Baird Maritime: "DPC Dodder" - Ireland

by Baird Maritime - published on 29 August 2022

Dublin Port Company (DPC) of Ireland has taken delivery of a new pilot boat from UK-based Goodchild Marine Services. DPC Dodder is the second pilot boat in a series to be built by Goodchild Marine for the same owner.


Article EU project: MOSES (autoMated vessels and supply chain Optimisation for Sustainable short sEa Shipping)

by - published on 20 July 2020

MOSES (autoMated vessels and supply chain Optimisation for Sustainable short sEa Shipping) aims to improve the SSS component of the container supply chain through a series of innovations including innovative vessels and optimisation of logistics operations:


Video Ore China - Valemax DWT 400000 tons maneuver by pilot at Shandong

published on 4 November 2022

Video produced by Pilot : Dang Tinh Thai port in video at : Fushan, Yantai, Shandong, China - Yantai Port ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General of vessel : Marine Tracffic Music : Tik Tok : Fanpage :