Video Fremantle Harbour Pilotage. Follow a Marine Pilot aboard a Containership.
published on 24 March 2021
Video Maersk Semarang - Pilotage into Fremantle Harbour.
published on 24 March 2021
Video Conti Stockholm - Pilotage Fremantle Harbour.
published on 24 March 2021
Video Schleusentor Einbau in Kiel-Holtenau 06.04.2018 4K time lapse
published on 31 August 2020
Am 19.02.2018 hat der 149 Meter lange Containerfrachter AKACIA das Tor der Südschleuse in Kiel Holtenau gerammt und stark beschädigt. Nach der Bergung des defekten Tores wurde am 06. April das Reservetor eingebaut und der Schiffsverkehr konnte umgehend wieder über die Südschleuse aufgenommen werden. Im Auftrag des WSA Kiel-Holtenau
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Video ESAIL maritime microsatellite
published on 16 September 2020
Soon a Vega will launch from Kourou carrying a payload of several satellites. These will be delivered into orbit by a new multi-payload system developed by ESA. Among these small satellites, E-SAIL. This microsatellite is dedicated to supporting maritime traffic and making seafaring safer. It is part of ESA’s SAT-AIS programme, which aims is to increase the coverage of the Automatic Identification System for ships. This system is a short-range coastal tracking system currently used on...
Article LOC Launch Digital Solution Enhancing Port Pilotage Safety
published on 26 February 2021
Video ICS Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations
published on 13 July 2021
The ICS Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations is the industry standard best practice guide for shipping companies, ships’ crew and helicopter operators. Written for both those in the air and at sea, the Guide helps all those involved in these operations become familiar with the important technical aspects of these complex operations.
This video, produced by ICS and Ocean Technologies Group (, highlights the impact of the guide and its contribution to safety on board and in...