
IALA Port & Waterway Risk Seminar - Chapter on Simulation by Knud Benedict

published on 22 October 2021 100 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "ISSIMS - Innovative Ship Simulation". Originally published on 2021-10-19.
This video is an extract of some elements from my lectures on "Simulation" as part of the seminars provided by the IALA World Wide Academy on the use of the "IALA Toolbox for Port & Waterway Risk Management". Within these seminars the software tools IWRAP, PAWSA / SIRA and the method of Simulation is introduced – specifically my part is the lecture on simulation seen as dynamic process: Normally in the seminars it takes 5-6 hours, but in this video, I can only present a small overview! It shows also two samples to indicate what can be done to use simulation from two perspectives, i.e. from a waterway administration and from a shipping company.
Simulation methods shown comprise Ship Handling and VTS Simulation as well as the specific Fast Time Simulation using SAMMON software.
But to explain what simulation is I tried to widen the horizon from maritime samples to theatre drama and human brain activities up to thinking about the big bang!
And finally, I tried to sum up all methods shown in some funny songs about simulation – I do hope it is enjoying!
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