
Pilot for coaster in storm Emden (Germany)

published on 22 February 2022 28 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "amSeehafen". Originally published on 2022-02-21.
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Video arrival cargo seaship tug & pilot CQEN6 IMO 9750579

published on 14 April 2023


Video Pilot Boat BURKANA - Emden, Germany (2013)

published on 5 November 2021


Video Pilot boat Le Fret

published on 23 November 2020

returning to her St.Helier base


Video Pilot boat CORUÑA PILOTS 8

published on 16 December 2020

New pilot boat CORUÑA PILOTS 8, build by #SafehavenMarine in Cork, Ireland. The Interceptor 48 is typically powered by twin Volvo D13 500/550hp engines and twin Disc or ZF gearboxes providing the vessel with an operational speed of 24-26kts. The vessel is 15m LOA, with a 4.4m beam and 17,200kg Displacement.
Nueva lancha de Prácticos Coruña, la Prácticos Coruña 8, construída por los astilleros Safehaven Marine en Cork, Irlanda. El tipo de lancha es una Interceptor 48 propulsada por dos...


Video German Pilot Boat (Baltic Sea)

published on 16 May 2022

Perfect Manoeuvre. Maybe it is Kieler Förde or Travemünde but in an any case the Baltic Sea. Greetings to NOK II !


Video Marine pilot boat | valencia pilot

published on 6 April 2021

Marine Pilot leaving our ship during night in valencia port harbour.


Article Metal Shark Delivers 55-Foot Pilot Boat To Pascagoula Pilots

published on 24 November 2021

Boat builder Metal Shark has delivered a 55’ x 17’ welded aluminum pilot boat to the Pascagoula Bar Pilots Association in Mississippi.


Article Harwich Haven Authority applies for extension of pilotage area

by - published on 17 September 2020

Following a review Harwich Haven Authority (the Authority), in its role as a Competent Harbour Authority (CHA), has applied to the Department for Transport (the Department) to extend its existing area of voluntary pilotage to include the western most areas of Hamford Water and Oakley Creek in the area known as the Walton Backwaters.


Video Hamburg Pilot Boarding

published on 14 August 2020

Pilot Boat build by Abeking & Rasmussen, Germany.