
Brazilian Pilotage Maneuver Simulation Center

published on 14 June 2022 83 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "Praticagem do Brasil". Originally published on 2022-06-13.
Maneuvering ships are complex operations with high-risk involved. Just like nautical projects, they need to be simulated on training centers before approved.

In a scenario of growing ships and limited waterways, state-of-the-art technology is essential to safely increase ports efficiency.

That is why Brazilian Pilotage brought the most modern bridge simulator next to the maritime regulatory entities.

Located a few minutes from government agencies, in the brazilian capital, our training center offers realistic simulation with all type of vessels in any brazilian port.

We use the same model adopted in The Numerical Offshore Tank of the University of São Paulo, an international reference and our partner in this project.

Brazilian Maritime #Pilotage
• Accident-free navigation
• Protecting lives and environment
• Efficiency in ports

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