
Adding map and speedometer widgets in your time-lapse video

by River Pilot Kris De Decker - published on 29 September 2021 202 -

The latest GoPro action cameras have a built-in GPS. The recorded clips contain the video and location data. The GoPro app on your smartphone allows you to add location related data widgets to your videos. GoPro uses the "Sticker" term to name these widgets. To add geodata stickers to your videos follow these instructions:

1) Ensure the video is recorded with the GPS turned on and locked to the satellites
2) Import the clip in your GoPro smartphone app
3) Enter the clip edit mode
4) Select the sticker widget
5) Add the desired sticker: Map, Altitude, Speed Chart, Speedometer, G-Force, Path
6) Reposition the sticker by clicking it multiple times
Editor's note:
We are also happy to receive many videos of this kind, which you are welcome to send to (or a link to Dropbox or WeTransfer).
Ship handling, digital navigation tools active marine pilot - DAB Loodswezen
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