
IMO opens discussion on SOLAS Convention to amend pilot boarding arrangements

published on 28 November 2022 524 -

Photos by Capt. Santosha K Nayak from his book "Theory and Practices of Marine Pilotage"

According to information from Simon Pelletier, President of IMPA, it was resolved at the IMO Maritime Safety Committee 106 on 08.11.2022 to open up the SOLAS Convention for amendment in respect of pilot boarding arrangements.
China's proposals, largely supported by IMPA, to improve the requirements for the providing of ladders were supported by Canada, Panama, Brazil, France, the Netherlands, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, ICS, BIMCO, Australia, the USA, Denmark, Spain, Germany, the Bahamas, Ecuador, Finland, the Marshall Islands and Ghana.

There were no countries opposed. This work will take place at the IMO NCSR10 Sub-Committee in May 2023.

Simon Pelletier thanks all the national associations for their work with their IMO delegates to achieve an excellent result for pilots.

Original Source:
Simon Pelletier on social media
Simon Pelletier on social media
Simon Pelletier on social media
Simon Pelletier on social media

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Horacio Flores Practicaje Rio de la Plata C.T.L., Argentina
on 10 December 2022, 23:38 UTC

For years we have been climbing ladders without any type of device that could support us in the event of a possible fall into the water, in the best of cases. It would be interesting to study that feasibility. Regards


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