Job Offer

Trainee Marine Pilot

published on 15 October 2024 1366 -

Poseidon Sea Pilots
Brisbane, Australia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas accumsan ex lorem, ut consectetur tortor tempor vel. Integer lectus est, facilisis sit amet nisi ut, fringilla tincidunt ex. Fusce vulputate fringilla tortor, quis facilisis urna scelerisque id. Sed facilisis orci vel nibh euismod, et hendrerit ex fringilla. Integer pharetra erat a mattis volutpat. Proin aliquam leo in sem tincidunt, feugiat condimentum augue tristique. Donec ut vehicula sapien. Nam malesuada metus nec iaculis ultrices.


Video Ship's Pilot by Helicopter / outside Rotterdam

published on 12 June 2024

Navigating to North Sea from port of Rotterdam. Disembarkation of Ship's Pilot by Helicopter in Stormy weather condition, North sea. High resolution video quality.
for inquiries


Video How SHIP Navigate Through Ice (Part-2, Conversation With Pilot & Captain)

published on 29 May 2021

This is part -2 (CONVERSATION WITH PILOT AND CAPTAIN) In person Appearing - Captain Thomas Madsen Harbour Pilot, ST. Petersburg Company Credit - Location - Saint Petersburg, Russia Vessel - Venta Maersk Calender - (JANUARY - APRI), 2021 Music credit - Stock Music Filmora All video was shot on GoPro Hero 9 Edited through Adobe Light Room & Wondershare Filmora If you have not seen the 1st part find the link below How SHIP Navigate Through Ice (Part-1,...


Video The VENTA MAERSK, Great Belt Pilotage

published on 5 July 2021

This video is all about transiting danish water through "great belt bridge" .
Vent Maersk was bound for Bremerhaven, Germany from Kotka, Finland.


Article Publication of the Brazilian Pilots' Association - Rumos Práticos 59

published on 20 October 2021

Publication of the Brazilian Maritime Pilots' Association - Rumos Práticos 59
In this edition of Rumos Práticos, we made a concerted effort to address safety, both in pilot embarkation/disembarkation and in port projects.


Video SWATH Pilottender Groden, good operational experience under all weather conditions

published on 12 March 2021

The video was recorded by Marine Pilot J. von Krahn (Elbe Pilot, Germany) on 08.10.2018 and is the original video with his permission.
The video is taken from the bulk carrier SEA MOON.


Video Video Interview with Capt Karanjikar, Founder President AIMPA

published on 13 July 2020

All India Marine Pilot Association has been formed by a Group of Mariners who care for "safety and security" of the Marine Pilots. Although a lot of our Indian seafarers felt the dire need of such a body, it was only after the unfortunate and untimely demise of Capt V P Gupta following his fall from the ladder on 8th August 2019, that pilots and like-minded individuals started expressing their displeasure about the 'Eco-system'. Capt. Virendra Mishra, C.E.O., The Shipping Tribune, had the...


Opinion Arie Palmers: "A case with a non compliant pilot transfer arrangement"

by Arie Palmers - published on 26 August 2024

Despite clear regulations and regular maintenance requirements, safety often falls by the wayside, as the current example of a bulk carrier vividly demonstrates.


Video ABB & Keppel Offshore & Marine successfully complete sea trials for autonomous collision avoidance

published on 24 August 2022

ABB in collaboration with Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M), has successfully verified autonomous collision avoidance capabilities of ABB Ability™ Marine Pilot technology. Digital technologies from ABB have enabled the harbor tug Maju 510 to become the first vessel in the world to receive Autonomous and Remote-Control Navigation Notation from ABS classification society and first Singapore-flagged vessel to receive the Smart (Autonomous) Notation from Maritime and Port Authority of...


Video Maritime Safety Week - Pilot Training (UK)

published on 6 July 2021

At the Port of London Authority, an immersive pilot simulator is designed to continuously train and assess pilots to maintain quality and skills in the industry.


Opinion Scientific Fact: The ‘traditional’ understanding of the ship’s pivot point is wrong!

by Tim Cummins, Harbour Pilot, Portsmouth International Port - published on 9 July 2020

In fact, the pivot point that we “see” is a trick of the eye, it looks like the ship is rotating about this point but in fact it is elsewhere, a point that you cannot see.