Job Offer

Marine Pilot (Dublin)

published on 27 May 2020 796 -

Dublin Port Company
Dublin, Ireland

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Identité | Piloter sur le Saint-Laurent

published on 18 July 2022

Le Saint-Laurent n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille: il faut des compétences spécifiques pour l’apprivoiser. Rencontre avec Simon Lebrun, pilote maritime, qui guide les navires étrangers et canadiens dans des sections difficiles du Saint-Laurent entre Montréal et Trois-Rivières. Pour ne rien manquer de nos prochaines capsules vidéo, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne. Activez les notifications pour être avisé lorsque de nouvelles vidéos sont publiées. Pour nous suivre sur les réseaux sociaux :...


Video Vessel "ELSE" crashes into closed lock gate in Kiel-Holtenau on 29.08.2020

published on 31 August 2020

Shortly after 5 a.m. local time the vessel “Else” had a collision in the Kiel-Holtenau lock to the Kiel Canal.
The "Else" subject to pilotage passed the pilot's boarding position without taking a sea pilot on board and collided from the outside into the closed gate of the new north lock. The bow bored into the metal construction and the ship was stuck for about six hours.
For more information about this accident see related content below (articles).


Video Maritime Pilot at work in the Port of Hamburg

published on 6 October 2022

This video seems to be slow and boring for non maritime people, but doing the job in a good way needs a lot of experience and knowledge. And it's the very the best job in the world.


Video Maritime pilot boarding The Cat Ferry as it approaches Bar Harbor

published on 21 June 2022

Maritime pilots board ships when waters are crowded or treacherous or when a passage is narrow to guide the captain and ship safely through the waters. The Cat operates between Bar Harbor, Maine, and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.


Video Saving Lives of Maritime Pilots with a Simple Action

published on 20 August 2021

While maritime pilots play the crucial role of ensuring safety of ships, protection of port environment as well as public safety, their personal safety often takes a back seat. However, the simple action of routine maintenance of equipment can save lives.
Learn more
#maritimefairtrade #maritime #maritimeindustry #maritimenews #marinenews #shippingnews #incidentresponse #incidentmanagement #incident #incidentresponseplan...


Video Stern-First Method (SFM) for POD Ships – Introduction & Potential

published on 25 April 2022

This movie is an introduction and explains the dynamic and typical motion elements when steering the ship moving ahead or astern. The effect of the position of applied control forces seen in the direction of motion is demonstrated


Video Trinidad and Tobago Pilots' Association Anniversary

published on 15 October 2019

Trinidad and Tobago Pilots' Association Anniversary



published on 4 September 2021

Hi Guys! KAPAL PANDU/PILOT Yang berfungsi sebagai sarana bantu pemanduan adalah kapal dengan karakteristik tertentu digunakan untuk kegiatan mengangkut pandu dari atau ke kapal yang akan dipandu. PANDU /PILOT Kapal pandu adalah kapal yang memandu kapal besar masuk kedalam pelabuhan melalui alur yang berbahaya dan ramai sampai sandar di dermaga. Merupakan salah satu jabatan tertua yang sangat penting untuk meningkatkan keselamatan pelayaran. Tonton videonya sampe habis ya Guys Jangan lupa...


Video Pilot 17 WP

by Baltic Workboats AS - published on 27 February 2020

17 m wavepiercing pilot boat