Video Queens Harbour Master pilot boat SD Solent racer escorting HMS Defender into Portsmouth harbour
published on 3 March 2021
Video Service Pilot Boat To Aurora Tankers
published on 23 March 2022
Article Associated British Ports to upgrade pilot boat fleet
by Baird Maritime - published on 22 July 2024
Associated British Ports (ABP) will upgrade its recently acquired pilot launches to enhance safety, effectiveness, and sustainability, incorporating feedback from its pilots and marine teams. The program will expand the fleet of larger vessels from three to five, replace older models, and improve seakeeping, crew safety, comfort, handling, fuel efficiency, and emissions reduction.
Article Bermuda pilots order new launch from Gladding-Hearn
published on 18 January 2022
Bermuda’s Department of Marine and Port Services has returned to Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding, Duclos Corp., for a new Chesapeake-class pilot boat. The launch will be built to Lloyd’s Register class, with delivery scheduled for early 2023. The Somerset, Mass., shipyard built a 61-foot pilot/rescue vessel for the port service in 2011.
Video German Pilots embarking cruise vessel by SWATH Pilot Boat Döse
published on 7 September 2020
Video Suggestions to improve Pilot Ladder Safety
published on 28 June 2021
Ideas from Nasir Khan, Port Pilot: "I would like to suggest that we try an experiment and make some modifications that will result in a better grip on the handrails of the ship's ladder and on the pilot ladder steps. Let's talk about it!" Modifications: Ships Ladder Handrails & Width of the Pilot Ladder steps. "I analyze the subject of fallen Pilots are two main reasons: -Pilot's hands are losing their grip at the ship's handrails. At transfer point mostly pilots lose their grip on Ships...
Video Into Aguirre - Puerto Rico's Largest Power Plant
published on 28 June 2022
To get in to Aguirre, we have to tow in behind the reef, breakdown into push gear and then proceed to the Power Plant Dock. If you would like to be apart of the crew and support the production of these videos, please consider joining our Patron Crew. Patrons not only make this channel possible, but they also get early access and add free content from both of my channels. Link below: And please check out my other channel, SV Paquita. Link below: https://www....
Video Recommendation: Pilot Boarding Ship in Rough Weather in HD
published on 23 May 2020
A maritime pilot, marine pilot, harbor pilot, bar pilot, or simply pilot, is a sailor who maneuvers ships through dangerous or congested waters, such as harbors or river mouths. They are navigational experts possessing knowledge of the particular waterway such as its depth, currents, and hazards.
Video Marine Pilot pick up
published on 10 January 2023
#pelautindonesia #pilotboat #pandu #harbourtug Assalamu’alaikum wr wb.. Halo halo…?? Berjumpa lagi sama saya guys akbar peaut indonesia, gimana kabar kalian semuanya ? Semoga di berikan kesehatan ya guys. Aamiin. Ok guys, ini adalah video mengenai proses penjemputan bapak pandu dari vessel bulk carrier ALPHA LAGECY oleh MOTOR PILOT BOAT untuk vessel ini memimiliki panjang 229 meter guys,kapal ini baru di sandarkan oleh 3 pala tunda. vessel Alpha Lagecy berasal dari negari asing guys...