Job Offer

Trainee Pilot – Gloucester UK

published on 30 June 2020 1069 -

Gloucester Pilots
Sharpness, United Kingdom

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Article A helpful "Dangerous Ladders Tool: The app “NO RUMO CERTO” from Brazil

by Porthos Lima, Brazil - published on 17 January 2020

My name is Porthos Lima and I am the Technical Director of Brazilian Pilots Association. I have been working as a Pilot for 20 years. I am here today to introduce you to our App "No Rumo Certo". The App was inspired in 2017 IMPA SAFETY CAMPAIGN.


Video Webinar on psychological safety, bullying and SASH in the maritime sector

published on 7 February 2022

Join us for a discussion about psychological safety, bullying and SASH in the maritime sector. Participants include: Ann Till (Chief Vessel Operator, Ocean Infinity), Eric R. Dawicki (Northeast Maritime Institute & Dominica Maritime Administration), Eva Lianne Veldkamp (Northeast Maritime Institute & Dominica Maritime Administration), Jeanine Drummond (Principal Marine Advisor) and Jillian Carson-Jackson, M.Ed, FNI, FRIN (President, The Nautical Institute).


Video IcePad Demonstration, MARSAT

published on 26 July 2019

IcePad Demonstration, MARSAT
a product driven by Drift + Noise and TRENZ GmbH, Germany


Article Save The Date: Webinar Dangerous Ladders with Arie Palmers

published on 23 March 2022

On 1st April 2022 Brazil Pilots - Praticagem do Brasil - will organize a webinar about dangerous ladder with speaker Arie Palmers.


Article Latest edition of Safe Passage is now available to download

published on 30 May 2022

Australasian Marine Pilots Institute (AMPI) latest of edition of Safe Passage including articles from Nic G. "Passenger Ship Redundancy", Karolina Cirjak "Pilots are not advisors to the Masters", Clive Sheard "Digitising Pilotage Peer Learning", Arie Palmers "A 1000 Navy Vessels Around", Matthew Conyers "Meanwhile in Brisbane", Robert Tanner Wollongong Conference.


Video Ever Forward Pilot Was Distracted When Ship Got Stuck

published on 13 December 2022

The U.S. Coast Guard found the local pilot on the Ever Forward was distracted and the ship’s captain had left eh bridge before the massive cargo ship ran aground in the Chesapeake Bay. News4’s Mark Segraves reports. _______ NBC4 Washington / WRC-TV is the No. 1 broadcast television station and the home of the most-watched local news in Washington, D.C., the country’s seventh largest television market. is the market’s most-visited local television station website across all...


Video Unberthing of a 23,000 gross tons tanker

published on 22 June 2020

The "Navig8 Axinite" is a 184 meter tanker. It is in loaded conditions. two tugs are used. The maneuver consists of backing out using 2 tugs and the ship´s engine, for about 2 and a half ship´s lenghts an then turning to port. After the turn, you can hear me talking with the captain about passing arrangements with an inbound vessel, (another tanker).


Opinion Comment of Harry Klenner: Harbour pilots and climate change

by - published on 16 June 2020

Comment of Harry Klenner (Presidente de la Asociación Chilena de Prácticos de Puerto): Nowadays, apart from having to take measures to avoid contagion with the Covid-19, port pilots have to consider another factor that has become present on the planet and which, by the way, our country has not been unaware of.


Video Pilot Boat Medemin Cuxhaven / Germany

published on 29 March 2022

Incredibly huge container ships sea giants mega ships. Shipspotting ships observation of cargo ships, tankers, pilots, container ships, oil tankers and many more. Special highlight is the boarding of a pilot on the DFDS ferry. The pictures were taken on 18.03.2022 at the North Sea coast in Cuxhaven, Germany. I was able to spot the following ships: Hapag Lloyd Nagoya Express - container ship Aries J - container ship KESS Seine Highway - RORO Ferry Susanne - working ship Autumn - tanker...