Job Offer

Pilot Launch Supervisor

published on 12 April 2021 184 -

Harwich Haven Authority
harwich, United Kingdom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas accumsan ex lorem, ut consectetur tortor tempor vel. Integer lectus est, facilisis sit amet nisi ut, fringilla tincidunt ex. Fusce vulputate fringilla tortor, quis facilisis urna scelerisque id. Sed facilisis orci vel nibh euismod, et hendrerit ex fringilla. Integer pharetra erat a mattis volutpat. Proin aliquam leo in sem tincidunt, feugiat condimentum augue tristique. Donec ut vehicula sapien. Nam malesuada metus nec iaculis ultrices.

Fusce consectetur et lorem convallis commodo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ultricies dui nisl, in sagittis nisi ultrices sed. Nulla commodo sapien sed ultrices varius. Ut metus mi, vestibulum id ultrices nec, auctor sit amet augue. Nulla interdum dui vitae malesuada interdum. Ut in euismod massa.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec laoreet vel leo sit amet posuere. Quisque a tincidunt metus. Ut et diam aliquam, commodo lorem id, feugiat leo. Ut maximus purus tortor, a tincidunt diam fermentum ut. Vivamus et risus nulla. Maecenas vulputate vehicula tellus non finibus. In condimentum, erat at hendrerit elementum, nulla ligula tincidunt tellus, et porttitor diam tellus id elit. Praesent nec lectus sed risus venenatis euismod ut sed mi. Phasellus aliquam nulla vel pharetra auctor.


Article Contract Signing for MED-P16 between Med Marine and Haifa Marine Services

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aifa Marine Services and Med Marine signed a contract for the construction of the new state-of-the-art vessel, MED-P16 class 16,5m 21 knots Pilot Boat.


Video Pilot Vessel "KOON". La Plata, Argentina

published on 9 November 2021

This video shows the Pilot Vessel "KOON" inside the Canal Acceso a Puerto La Plata when she arrived at Pilot Station Lanchas Del Este, La Plata Harbour, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.
The video was filmed by @ultrabarqueros


Article Man Overboard Training - Loodswezen Amsterdam-Ijmond

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The man-overboard manoeuvre includes all measures to rescue a person who has fallen overboard from a watercraft.


Video Pilot Boat Naniwa

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Pilot boat in the port of Kobe


Article GPS (Part 2), physical and technical errors of GNSS - an error analysis

by Capt. Gunter Schütze, Thailand/Germany - published on 26 February 2020

In my announced sequel, the second part of GPS, it is primarily about the technical and physical operational and functional limitations to which GPS is subject. These limitations, in part, have serious implications for the accuracy of GPS, and even go as far as limiting the functionality of GPS in its functions or even making it impossible. In doing so,


Video Ghana's first female Marine Pilot

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TV3'S JOSEPHINE FREMPONG tells the story of ghana first female marine pilot flying high the flag of Ghana.
the FIRST FEMALE PILOT to brave all odds and beat the men to it.


Opinion One-off pilot error did not render port unsafe

by Tom Macey-Dare KC, Martin Dalby, and Joshua Thomson - published on 12 April 2023

In this charterparty dispute, the arbitral tribunal rejected the Owners’ claim for damages for breach of the safe port warranty in a time charterparty, after a laden bulk carrier grounded at the entrance to the port of Chaozhou, China, while under compulsory pilotage. It also held that the vessel was unseaworthy, in breach of Article III.1 of the Hague Rules, due to lack of proper charts, but found on the facts that this was not causative of the grounding.


Video Departure pier#44 June 2020 Constanta Port, Romania

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Video by marine pilot ESIL ABIBULA.