Job Offer

Trainee Marine Pilot / Hull, GB

published on 19 November 2021 508 -

ABP - Associated British Ports
Hull, United Kingdom

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Article ISPO 2022 conference program and topics published

published on 17 June 2022

On 21st and 22nd September, the ISPO conference 2022 will be held at Cork in Ireland. Now the conference program and topics have been published.


Article DanPilot's half-year report reflects transition in a pressured market

by DanPilot - published on 5 October 2021

The first half of 2021 is a testament to the organisation of DanPilot, a pilotage company that has been diligently adapting to a smaller market as a result of the fallout from Covid-19.


Video Pilot Boats Series: PILOT63 17m Self-righting Pilot Boat | Sea Trial

published on 18 August 2021

17m Self-righting Pilot Boat by Cheoy Lee Shipyards Name: PILOT 63 Designer: Camarc Design Overall length: 17.3m Designed speed: 25 knots . . For more production information, please visit our website: . . . . . Performance • Innovation • Reliability • Quality • Service . . Ref: 5210 (sister-ship: #5209 PILOT 62)


Video 125 in 125 Seconds: Captain Michael Bopp, Crescent River Pilots (2021)

published on 24 January 2022

In conjunction with the anniversary celebration, the Port has launched the “125 Years in 125 Seconds” video series. The videos will serve as an oral history of the Port featuring public officials, maritime partners, port workers and others to share the Port’s story from their perspective.


Video A world leader in pilot boat building: Safehaven Marine

published on 30 April 2021

Cork based Safehaven Marine is most famous for dramatic videos of its boats during stormy weather sea trials. It’s ‘Interceptor 48’ are in service taking on all types of sea conditions around the world. The newest vessel the ‘Belgrano’ will be used by pilots on the River Plate estuary Montevideo, Uruguay.


Video The danger of trapdoor arrangements

by Herman Broers - published on 24 January 2022

The following short clip appeared on TikTok recently, showing a non compliant trapdoor arrangement, and a pilot using it. From this short video, the dangers of this kind of arrangement are very clear.


Video A day at work of Marine Pilot Evan Simkus, Port of London Authority

published on 8 March 2022

Many thanks to Capt. Pilot Evan Simkus for the insight into the working day!


Article Brazil Pilots issue Common Errors in PTA’s notice

published on 26 November 2021

Conapra / Praticagem do Brasil have issued a notice “Common Errors in the pilot boarding arrangement “. In this notice, reference is made to international regulations ( Solas V Reg 23, IMO 1045 and ISO 799 ) as well as national regulations.


Video Stuck at sea: Mega cargo ship wedged in Suez Canal causes traffic jam

published on 25 March 2021

Tug boats and a digger struggle to free a mega cargo ship, blocking one of the world's busiet shipping pathways.
Dozens of ships are stuck because a container ship almost half a kilometre long is wedged across the waterway.