Job Offer

Dock Master/Pilot

published on 19 February 2022 507 -

Drydocks World Dubai
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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Article Report on Safe Tug Procedures

by Captain Henk Hensen (Marine Consultant) - published on 6 February 2020

Based on Pilot, Tug Master and Ship Captain Questionnaires

Compiled by:

Captain Henk Hensen FNI FITA Captain Daan Merkelbach FITA Captain F. van Wijnen MNI


Video Pilot Boarding on RO-RO Ship

published on 5 August 2020


Video Pilot Boarding Ship In Rough Waves

published on 16 March 2022

Marine pilot boarding ship A marine pilot, also called maritime pilot, harbor pilot, port pilot, ship pilot, or simply pilot, is a mariner who maneuvers ships through dangerous or congested waters, such as harbors or river mouths. They are navigational experts possessing knowledge of the particular waterway, licensed or authorised by a recognised pilotage authority. When a ship needs to enter or leave a harbor, marine pilots are sent aboard via a small pilot boat to safely navigate the...


Article ADNOC L&S Signs 25-year Agreement to Service All Petroleum Ports in Abu Dhabi

published on 30 September 2020

ADNOC Logistics and Services (ADNOC L&S), the shipping and maritime logistics subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), announced today that it has signed a new 25-year agreement to provide critical marine services across all Petroleum Ports in Abu Dhabi on behalf of the Petroleum Ports Authority (PPA). This includes the onshore Jebel Dhanna Ruwais Petroleum Port and the offshore Das Island, Zirku Island and Mubarraz Petroleum Ports in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.



published on 13 December 2021

The Alusafe 1620 Pilot is a special designed Pilot Vessel. The vessel is designed for harsh weather in open seas as well as in sheltered waters with high marine traffic.


Video 3D Model PILOT 745 SE for Vehicle Simulator

published on 6 May 2021

If you have been looking for a Pilot Boat to use in your simulations, take a look here.


Video A French Ships Pilot Drops In.

published on 23 February 2021

MV Astoria, Dunkirk


Video New Design 2021- XLW Class Pilot Boat

published on 14 March 2021

The desire to improve efficiency and crew comfort has resulted in a new approach to hull design. Built from the ground up this new Pilot Boat design utilises an Extra Long Waterline (XLW) to maximise the waterline length.


Video FPSO TRINITY SPIRIT sank after explosion off Nigeria

published on 3 February 2022

Accident today: Not much is currently known but some details are avialable on the number of personnel on board and the operation and condistion of the vessel. A video by Sal Mercogliano.