Job Offer

Marine Pilot - Port Dickson

published on 27 July 2022 452 -

Hengyuan Refining Company Berhad
Port Dickson, Malaysia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Article USAID ERA Delivers 2nd Pilot Boat to Ukraine

published on 11 November 2024

USAID, through its Economic Resilience Activity (ERA), delivered a second pilot boat "Lotsman Bolotin" to the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority (USPA) to improve the efficiency and safety of pilots moving to and from vessels navigating the Danube ports.


Video The Rebranding of PSA Marine Peru

published on 26 August 2020

Tramarsa Flota is now PSA Marine Peru! Following the acquisition of Tramarsa Flota by PSA Marine on 12 February 2020, the Peru-based marine services operator unveiled its new name and brand - PSA Marine Peru. Catch them as they share their rebranding story in this video 😊


Video Losingsforsøk Rekefjord / Maritime pilotage 02 07 2016

published on 26 September 2020

Spektakulært forsøk. Vanskelig losoppdrag. Svært fartøy. Trang fjordpassasje. #Kystverket #lostjenesten #sikkerseilas/ Spectacular attempt. Demanding maritime pilotage. Huge vessel. Narrow passage. #norwegaincoastaladministration #safeseaways


Article Colombo Dockyard Completes Pilot BoatFor Japanese operator Kowa

published on 2 March 2022

Colombo Dockyard (CDPLC) of Sri Lanka has completed construction of a new pilot boat ordered by Japanese operator Kowa Company.


Video How fast we can save a life, with the Pacific Pilot Boats

published on 3 June 2022

In this part two video of the man overboard drill series. In one continuous take and no speed adjustments. You can see once the dummy is launched in the water. How fast the crew can come to a complete stop. The boats captain moves to the stern control station, Deploy the stern scoop and rescue the survivor. All of this happing in less than two minuets. An amazing display of teamwork and skill. Filmed using a DJI Mini 2 If you are interested in purchasing a Mini here is a link to my DJI...


Article Russian Marine Pilot (61) killed in accident on 14 March 2021

by Frank Diegel - published on 17 March 2021

In Novorossiysk (Russia, Black Sea), a marine pilot died during a pilot transfer and an investigation has been launched. The incident occurred on the evening of 14 March at about 21:40.


Video Ten less known facts about Kenya’s first female Marine Pilot, Elizabeth Marami

published on 5 December 2019

Elizabeth Marami, 28, has made history by becoming Kenya’s first female marine pilot. Born and bred in the coastal city Mombasa, Marami initially studied law at the University of Nairobi, but later changed course and went on to pursue navigation in Alexandria, Egypt for 5 years. “I always grew up knowing that I wanted to do something different, Something out of the ordinary. Being awarded a scholarship to pursue this career was God’s answered prayer…,” she says.
Her job as a marine pilot...


Video History: Pilot Ahoy! (1940). A pathetone special

published on 18 May 2020

The good old times: 1940. Found on YouTube. Created by "British Pathé" Titles read: "PILOT AHOY! A PATHETONE SPECIAL" New York, United States of America. Good aerial views of dozens of merchant ships entering New York's harbour. Various shots of life aboard a New York pilot cutter. The pilot is rowed out to a merchant ship, goes aboard and then is picked up again. Apprentice pilots on board a training ship scrub the decks, lower a rowing boat over the side and study charts with a senior...


Article NTSB Reports on Collision between Baxter Southern Tow and BNSF Coal Train

published on 19 September 2022

The National Transportation Board said Thursday that a Mississippi River towing vessel’s pilot and its captain pushed its tow up against a riverbank too close to a railroad track, leading to a collision and train derailment near Galland, Iowa.


Video Pilot Boat working close to shore, but not the best of weather.

published on 21 February 2022

Pilot Boat working close to shore, but not the best of weather.