Job Offer

Experienced Marine Pilot

published on 6 September 2022 372 -

Southern Ports Authority
Esperance WA, Australia

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Article P&O Maritime Takes Delivery Of New Pilot Boat

published on 22 February 2021

Australian builder Hart Marine has delivered a new pilot boat to P&O Maritime Logistics for operation in the waters of Dubai.


Article Study: "Performance assessment in full-scale simulators"

published on 14 July 2021

Study from 2020: Precise assessment of complex maritime navigation requires reliable and valid assessment frameworks. The purpose of this research was to examine the reliability and validity of the proposed CAPA-tool.


Article Future Tug Master Training

by Henk Hensen - published on 11 July 2023

The role of a Tug Master undertaking harbour towage activities is a very specific one. He/she has to, alone or in cooperation with other Tug Masters, assist a ship in a safe and efficient way using his/her tug to the best of its qualities. 


Video pilot boarding @ china ports

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Video Ex chief pilot of Bremerhaven harbor pilots on 400 meter ships (German with subtitles)

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Matthias Meyer was head of the Bremerhaven port pilots, nautical expert and lecturer at maritime schools. In front of our camera, he voices what has long been a topic of discussion in shipping circles: that the 400-meter container ships have simply become too big for the narrow shipping channels of the Weser and Elbe. In his view, a serious accident is only a matter of time. We take a look at how the district is dealing with these giants and what politicians, BUND and shipowners have to say...


Article PTR Holland offers free pilot ladder load test

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Register your pilot or embarkation ladder today and receive a free 30 months mandatory load test, when the ladders been delivered to one of our factories in Rotterdam, Singapore, New Castle UK or Houston Texas.


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Video What really happened at the Suez Canal?

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Article How to Avoid Catching COVID19 whilst Piloting

by The United Kingdom Maritime Pilots' Association - published on 31 March 2020

The United Kingdom Maritime Pilots' Association (UKMPA) has all been inundated with CV19 communications from all manner of sources in the last few weeks. Here is a condensed collection of information from the UKMPA.


Video Look at Life - North Atlantic Ocean - Weather Ships - April 1965

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This video is another Look at Life Documentary from Volume 1 - Transport - and features the Weather Adviser - a UK Weather ship from April 1965. In all conditions, special ships maintain a constant scientific watch on the weather.