Video Pilots Training in Brazil
published on 24 June 2022
Operators and supervisors of the operations center (atalaia) of Praticagem da Barra do Rio Grande participated in an update course in online and face-to-face mode. They had classes on nautical charts, electronic charts (ECDIS), radars, portable pilot units (portable electronic navigation equipment) and technical English. "There is no good operation without recurrent training with good tools", says pilotage operational director, practical Bernardo Ramos
Video Effects of Ciclone in the ports
published on 14 July 2023
As praticagens que atuam no litoral atingido pelo ciclone extratropical estão em estágio de alerta, avaliando constantemente os efeitos da ressaca e as condições de segurança dos canais de acesso. O objetivo é evitar acidentes e minimizar os impactos na logística e operacionalidade dos portos.
Em São Francisco do Sul (SC), o gerenciamento da situação já ultrapassa 12 horas, monitorando lanchas, navios fundeados e enviando rebocadores para o cais. Em Itajaí (SC), a preocupação inicial...
Video Manobra no Porto de Tubarão (ES)
published on 25 May 2020
Video Poseidon Sea Pilots offers hands-on world’s best-practice marine pilot training
published on 14 October 2021
Video Remotely operated Vessel by Seafar - Bridge Passage Watertruck X
published on 30 June 2021
Drone visuals of a bridge passage of a remotely controlled barge on the Plassendale Canal (Ostend). The vessel is controlled by a captain in the Seafar Control Center in Antwerp (100km away). All operations are approved by the Flemish Waterway Authorities. Want to know more?
Video Conti Stockholm - Pilotage Fremantle Harbour.
published on 24 March 2021
Video Maritime Simulation and Resource Centre. For Pilots. By Pilots
published on 13 July 2020
Specialized training for maritime pilots in Canada.
Founded in 2005, the Maritime Simulation and Resource Centre (MSRC) is a purpose-built marine pilot simulation training and turnkey port procedural development facility, offering unique navigational safety expertise in North America.
Video Pilot disembarkation from tanker at BAY OF BENGAL
published on 9 November 2021
Hooghly river Marine pilotage is one of the toughest and longest pilotage in the world,
pilots here face many challenges daily to enable safe passage of ships from bay of Bengal to the port of CALCUTTA and Haldia.
Pilot embarkation and disembarkation is a vital part , where the pilot climbs up or down a rope ladder ,if the free board is more than 9 meters then combination ladder is used it needs very good physical fitness practice and experience to safely embark and disembark from these...