Video Unberthing of Mega Containership | Ship manoeuvring | Ship handling | Tugs handling
published on 16 December 2021
#shiphandling #tugs #propeller #ship #lifeatsea #storm #mariners ship handling simulator, ship handling and maneuvering, ship handling techniques, ship handling simulator titanic, ship handling simulator download, ship handling simulator free download pc, ship handling simulator britannic, ship handling scenario, ship handling anchoring, ship handling and maneuvering ppt, ship handling and maneuvering course, ship handling simulator android, ship manoeuvring and handling, seamanship 5 ship...
Video Ship's Pilot by Helicopter / outside Rotterdam
published on 12 June 2024
Article Innovative rope design improves vessel mooring safety
by - published on 18 June 2020
Article Is the 26,000 TEU container vessel coming now?
by Frank Diegel - published on 12 January 2020
The last month Jan Tiedemann from Alphaliner (BRS) in Hamburg has reported, that DNV GL has awarded Hudong Zhonghua Shipbuilding (group) Co., Ltd. an approval in principle for the design of an LNG-powered 25,000 TEU container vessel. Based upon the reported vessel dimensions, he reckons that the ship could actually have a capacity closer to 26,000 TEU.
Video Maersk Semarang - Pilotage into Fremantle Harbour.
published on 24 March 2021
Video Being a Marine Pilot - Meet Neil Crysler, BC Coast Pilot
published on 4 July 2020
Meet Neil Crysler, a Licenced ship Pilot with the BC Coast Pilots, a company consisting of approximately 105 licensed marine pilots who work with the Pacific Pilotage Authority to keep the British Columbia Coast line safe and healthy. Neil takes pride in his fast paced life as a pilot. His work allows him to be on the water, getting large international tankers safely down our coast line. His work keeps him on his feet, sometimes sending him up the coast at a moment’s notice. Neil has found...
Video Port of Port Arthur Terminal 4K
published on 18 October 2020
The sun was out and was a beautiful day, I was searching for a light house in the area and there was one in Cameron, La. I started my way to the light house not thinking how bad Cameron was hard hit by two hurricanes. After a few dozen downed power poles I was met with the National Guard and the Po Po. Needless to say I turned around and I had passed the port so I decided to drone this area. Not a bad place and a ship was being assisted by two pilot boats. I never tire with maritime...