Article Shri Sanjay Bhatia releases AIMPA's maiden Marine Pilots' Journal (Download here)
by Capt. Gajanan Karanjikar - Founder President - AIMPA - published on 16 August 2020
Shri Sanjay Bhatia former Chairman of Mumbai Port and Indian Port Association (IPA) expressed pleasure while releasing the All India Marine Pilots Association’s (AIMPA) maiden Issue of “Marine Pilot’s Journal” and applauded the efforts in taking out this kind of Journal to help highlight issues of pilots.
Opinion AIMPA has published "Providing Peek into Marine Pilots' World" - Issue II
published on 21 September 2020
Opinion AIMPA Journal Issue III - October 2020 for download here
by AIMPA - All India Marine Pilots' Association - published on 24 October 2020
Article CMPA Launches the National Centre of Expertise on Maritime Pilotage
published on 8 June 2021
Video MAN ME-C and MAN ME-B Online Training
published on 23 April 2021
We have successfully implemented and tested our new online engine simulator trainings. Currently we offer four online trainings. - MAN Engines Operation and Analysis (ME) - MAN ME Engine Electrical Course - MAN ME-B Engine Operation and Analysis - MAN ME-B Engine Electrical Course Find more information and current schedules on Music: Better Day by BatchBug | Music promoted by Creative Commons...
Video La Coruna pilot boat Offshore in Gale & Ship boarding trials
published on 29 September 2020
Here’s a pretty cool video covering the recent sea trials we undertook with the La Coruna pilot boat. Some nice gale footage 20 miles offshore, and the fun we had trying to land the drone back down in high winds as well as alongside ship handling trials with the Taccola, operating out of Cork Harbour at present.
Video Presentation of manned ship models at Port Revel Shiphandling Training Centre
published on 24 October 2019
Port Revel is used for shiphandling training of maritime pilots, masters and officers on a 5 ha lake with 11 manned model ships representing 20 vessels, and 4 tugs at scale 1:25 and DGPS tracking system. Instructors are former maritime pilots.
Training on the scale models provides experience that could never be gained on real ships for the simple reason that neither ship-owners nor local authorities would allow such risks to be taken. Scale models allow the shiphandler to make mistakes....