
Wärtsilä simulator upgrade will enhance Le Havre pilot operations

by - published on 25 May 2020 261 -

Photos and text by Wärtsilä

The technology group Wärtsilä will supply a complete navigational simulator upgrade for the Le Havre pilot station in France. The intention is to provide the pilot station with a totally new simulator specifically adapted to the requirements of the pilots’ operations. The order with Wärtsilä was placed in February 2020.The new unique visualisation system to be supplied is based on 14 DP projectors, comprising seven main circular and seven ground projection systems. It features a panoramic 350-degree screen. The station’s existing Wärtsilä simulator was installed in 2004, and the new upgrade is required to address current and anticipated requirements.

“We have worked with Wärtsilä for a number of years already, and we are familiar with their experience and expertise in simulation technology. The new system will be of great benefit to us in training the pilots, and will complement the practical training they acquire at sea,” says Pavel Pereira, President of the pilot Station.

“Le Havre is a busy port and safety is a prime consideration. For this reason we have been contracted to deliver a totally new, state-of-the-art navigational simulator that will enhance and ease pilot operations,” says Eric Letrou, Area Sales Manager, Wärtsilä Voyage.

The simulator enables users to study the reaction of a vessel in operational situations. It assists trainees in perfecting manoeuvres under challenging sea and weather conditions, and in emergency situations, taking into account currents and winds as well as pitch and bank effects. Furthermore, it will enable the validation of future port planning. Wärtsilä’s navigational simulators are in full compliance with international standards and regulations.

The Le Havre pilot station has existed since the 16th century. 47 pilots currently operate from the station, 24 hours a day, all year round, and in practically all weather conditions. The station serves the port of Le Havre, the Antifer oil terminal, and the port of Fécamp.

Wärtsilä Voyage radically transforms how vessels perform their voyage by leveraging the latest digital technologies, to deliver a step-change in safety, efficiency, reliability and emissions.
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