Job Offer

Marine Pilot

published on 1 November 2019 2966 -

Qatar Energy

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Article Tampa Bay Harbor Pilots, USA

by Fox13 News - published on 17 November 2022

Article with video found: Harbor pilots have one of the most unique jobs in the world, but it can also be one of the most dangerous. They help guide ships into Tampa Bay.


Video Estonian Pilot Boat AHTO 02

published on 2 December 2021



Video Webcam Silver Bay Marina (Duluth)

published on 28 October 2020

The Silver Bay Marina Cam views the tranquil harbor and docks for pleasure boats while also able to view the 1000 ft ore carriers entering North Shore Mining just to the east.
Boats up to 100' can be accommodated on a daily or seasonal basis in one of the 110 spacious slips.


Article AST announces new order of 9 iRAMS systems with long-term client and UK boat-builder, Goodchild Marine Services Limited

published on 20 April 2021

AST has announced a new order of 9 iRAMS systems with a long-term client and UK boat-builder, Goodchild Marine Services Limited.


Video Look at Life - Signposts of the Sea (1963)

published on 18 March 2021

Look at Life - Signposts of the Sea (1963)
Narrated by Tim Turner


Video New pilot boat for Southwest Alaska Pilots Association

published on 8 April 2020

Southwest Alaska Pilots Association’s new Gladding and Hearn built, C Raymond Hunt designed pilot boat disembarks Capt. Ron Ward at Bligh Reef Pilot Station in Prince William Sound, Alaska March 2020


Article Port of Townsville to expand pilot boat fleet

by - published on 24 January 2020

The Port of Townsville, northern Australia’s largest multi-cargo port, is expanding its fleet of pilot boats to four.

The Port has awarded Hart Marine a $3 million contract to build a 17.3m ORC vessel that is due for delivery later in 2020. The new high-tech vessel will be slightly longer but have the same design features as the PV Osprey which was delivered by Hart Marine in late 2017.


Video Mogadisho harbour pilot on duty

published on 31 January 2021


Article The NZMPA has launched its new website

published on 12 May 2023

We are pleased to announce that the New Zealand Maritime Pilot Association has launched its new website