Job Offer

Marine Pilot – Montrose Port Authority

published on 20 October 2022 200 -

Montrose Port Authority
Montrose, United Kingdom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Opinion Webinar on 24th October: Re-conceptualizing Indian Maritime Pilotage

by AIMPA - All India Marine Pilots' Association - published on 22 October 2020

AIMPA has organised a WEBINAR first time ever in India about Indian Pilotage.


Video Official video: 74a Assemblea nazionale Fedepiloti, Italy

published on 27 April 2021

Great image video of the Italian pilots (Federazione Italiana Piloti dei Porti).


Video KIEL CANAL Ship Collision Incident, General Cargo with Tanker

published on 28 July 2021

KIEL CANAL Ship Collided Collision incident general cargo BBC PARANA vs Motor Tanker ORASUND
Tanker went out of control after engine failure and collided with general cargo ship in Kiel Canal near Kiel locks, at around 0120 Local Time Jul 27, The ships were transiting Canal in opposite directions, both reportedly, sustained damages and were detained. Tanker was berthed near collision site, general cargo ship according to track, exited Canal and was berthed in port outside locks, Ships...


Article Brendan O’Shea named deputy director of American Pilots’ Association

published on 31 August 2022

Brendan O’Shea has been named deputy director-associate general counsel for the American Pilots’ Association (APA). He started work in this position last Monday.


Video Unboxing the TRENZ Pilot Plug

published on 5 July 2019

In this video we show you the contents of the TRENZ Pilot Plug package.
Please visit for more information.


Video Maritime Pilot Training VI - Pilot Ladder Training

published on 12 May 2021

Training video VI on the correct use of the pilot ladder


Video Senior Pilot Captain ERTAN OZGUR performing departure of MSC MARYLENA

published on 2 January 2023

SENIOR PILOT CAPTAIN ERTAN OZGUR performing departure maneuvering of MSC co ship MSC MARYLENA. She has bowthruster, right handed pitch propeller. She will be using 2 tugboats.


Article "Buran" has been delivered to Poseidon Sea Pilots

published on 17 April 2022

The new pilot boat "Buran" has been delivered to Poseidon Sea Pilots of Queensland, Australia.


Video Pilot Boat MV Paga Launched at PNG Ports

published on 4 November 2022

Papua New Guinea Ports Corporation in partnership with the Australian Government had christened a K5million new customized Pilot boat called MV Paga on Tuesday November 1st. The launching of another Pilot boat was stated as the culmination of the hard work put together by the Australian High Commission, the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific, and PNG Ports Corporation. #pngnews #looppng #tvwannews #digiceltv #digicel #bettertogether LATEST NEWS: http://www.looppng....


Video Berthing P02 skikda old port M/T duke1

published on 19 December 2019

Video was sent to by Mohamed Anwar Remichi