Job Offer

Relief Marine Pilot (Self Employed, Part Time)

published on 28 August 2023 585 -

Port of Workington
Port of Workington (UK), United Kingdom

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eget ante tristique, finibus tortor et, posuere quam. Duis purus risus, pharetra nec lacinia ut, vehicula et nisl. Etiam a ornare est. Mauris sit amet nisl vitae eros ornare fringilla. Donec ut vulputate nibh. Sed luctus auctor dui, non iaculis elit fringilla in. Duis quis magna tempor elit tristique sagittis ut in turpis. Mauris quis orci interdum, dictum erat nec, gravida nisi. Suspendisse vel lorem arcu.

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Video Female Singapore Harbour Pilot

published on 28 December 2020

Women’s rights and gender equality are taking centre stage in 2020. But for some women, the fear of gender discrimination has never stopped them from pursuing their dream and Ms Amelia Pickering, a Harbour Pilot, is one of them. Inspired by her father, she shares how she started her journey in the Maritime industry and some of the challenges she faced being a female Harbour Pilot. -- Connect with Us! Facebook: MONEY FM 89.3 Instagram: @moneyfm893 Twitter: @moneyfm903 Linked In: MONEY FM 89....


Video A Day in the Life of a Marine Pilot (Australia)

published on 18 March 2024

As an island nation, over 98% of Australia’s trade moves through ports. At the heart of the trade supply chain are the North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation (NQBP) marine pilots. These highly skilled maritime professionals make sure the vessels carrying goods through our ports travel safely and efficiently. Take a look at a day in the life of an NQBP marine pilot at one of Queensland’s multi-commodity ports, the Port of Mackay. Read more


Video “Harbor Pilot” 1960s Los Angeles Harbor Freighters & Ships Education Film

published on 25 June 2020

Harbor Pilot is a short film from 1967 that gives viewers a brief look at what a harbor pilot is and does. The film opens with footage of a sailboat sailing at sea, followed by a shot of a rocky coastline (01:10) and then an aerial view of a modern harbor — the Port of Los Angeles. A large freight ship, SS Gemstone, is out at sea. A harbor pilot stands on land at the Port of Los Angeles, looking out over the harbor. He walks into the pilot station at the entrance to the harbor to check the...


Video Proses Jemput Pilot

published on 29 September 2022

#marine #speedboat #pandutanjunguban


Article Man Overboard Training - Loodswezen Amsterdam-Ijmond

published on 20 May 2021

The man-overboard manoeuvre includes all measures to rescue a person who has fallen overboard from a watercraft.


Video Denmark Marine Pilots

published on 6 February 2021

Follow the pilots as they go through a normal working day.


Video Pilot Boarding Port Phillip Bay in Melbourne, Australia

published on 24 September 2020

Editors Note: Unfortunately this YouTube video - although publicly available - was not authorised by the responsible official bodies. Out of respect for the local organisation, we have decided to stop showing the video link to YouTube here. We ask for your understanding!
Join us as we take a pilot 5 miles out to sea to meet a huge 80,000 ton oil tanker arriving outside Port Phillip Bay in Melbourne, Australia!


Video Aboard One of the Biggest Container Ships in the World | The New York Times

published on 4 July 2019

In the chess match that has global powers looking for new ways to move goods around the world, the Mary Maersk and nine other sister ships are the biggest pieces.
Produced by: Erik Olsen
Read the story here:


Video AIS track grounding of Shahraz and Samutra Sakhdil in Singapore Strait - May 10 2020

published on 9 September 2020

Grounding container vessel Shahraz and MV Samudra Sakti in Singapore Strait May 10 2020
What happened?
MV "Shahraz" and MV "Samudra Sakti I" had run aground to the shallow Batu Berhanti in the Indonesian territorial waters within 6 minutes, which is surveyed with minimum water depths of 8.3 m in the northern part and up to 0.5 m in the southern part . It is located south of TSS Singapore Strait’s eastbound traffic lane.
A chain of events which must be described as extra ordinary rarity....


Article New female marine pilot in Cape Town

by - published on 17 September 2020

“Find your passion, set goals and commit to them.” Sound advice from Port of Cape Town’s Ellen Moletsane, who recently earned her Open Licence as a marine pilot.