00:00 SUVA CHIEF, new ship from Swire Shipping, outbound Hong Kong 太古船務的新船
00:20 the ship is running on the North Asia Express (NAX) routing. 新船負責在北亞快運(NAX)航線
01:15 MSC Venice asking why Suva Chief is slow, and the pilot boat still waiting 後面的船 MSC Venice 問為什麼 Suva Chief 在減速
04:15 Pilot finally leaves the bridge tower 領航員終於離開了橋塔
06:25 Pilot disembarking but rope ladder swaying dangerously 領航員下船,但繩梯危險地搖擺
07:30 Crew raises the rope ladder and shorten the length 船員升起繩梯並縮短長度
10:20 A view of the ship bow 船頭的外觀
10:40 Pilot finally disembark safely and the Suva Chief continues its voyage 領航員終於離開船了