Contents of this video will benefit mariners preparing for exams (written and oral examinations).
Found on YouTube. Created by "Steering Mariners".
This video explains the impact of lateral resistance on the turning circle of a vessel using animations. The video explains the term lateral resistance, shows an example of its impact on the turning circle and its associated aspects (advance, transfer, tactical diameter and drift angle).
Contents of this video will benefit mariners preparing for exams (written and oral examinations).
Article IcePad, Smart download and view satellite images of sea-ice
by Drift + Noise GmbH - published on 26 July 2019
Article Safer shipping over ice
by Drift + Noise GmbH - published on 16 October 2019
Opinion Fathom Safety: "A Guide to Pilot Ladder Securing"
by Frank Diegel - published on 7 October 2020
Video Chart Projections and Chart Accuracy - ECDIS
published on 11 July 2020
With the increasing accuracy and reliability of navigational receivers, this part of the video module will try to establish a better understanding of the mathematical definition of the Earth’s surface and mapping of this curved shape onto a plane surface. Chart Projections and Chart Accuracy Principle Used For Creating Electronic Charts Display of Electronic Charts Route Planning With ECDIS https://...