Article Education And Training Of Pilots In The Netherlands
by Eline van der Vlist-Lammers (Coordinator education and training for STODEL) and Ed Verbeek (Master Mariner) - published on 30 September 2022
Article Concept of Reskilling for Automation Collaboration in Maritime Piloting
published on 22 August 2022
Article Study: Understanding the systemic influences on maritime pilot decision-making
published on 19 April 2023
Article Webinar - Port & Pilot supplied ECDIS routes and passage plans
published on 29 January 2021
The Australasian Marine Pilots Institute is presenting a webinar via Zoom about ports providing ECDIS routes and passage plans to ships as part of the pre-arrival process.
It will take place on Thursday 11 February 2021 at 19:00 AEDT (08:00 UTC) and is free for AMPI/IMPA/UKMPA/NZMPA members. Non-members are also welcome to attend.
Video American P&I Club Video: "Safe Boarding – Three Keys" by Danielle Centeno
published on 3 June 2020
The American P&I Club’s Loss Prevention team is dedicated to protecting the most valuable resource the maritime industry has – the human resource! Earlier this year, the Club hosted local Members, pilots, and industry experts in New York City for a round table discussion entitled “Safe Boarding of Vessels”. Participants discussed boarding procedures and boarding equipment on various types of vessels and solutions for reducing the risk of slips, trips and falls.
In this video, Danielle...
Video Disney Wonder - pilot boat approaches to drop off the Mississippi River boat pilot
published on 23 February 2022
Eerie fog envelops the Disney Wonder as the cruise ship enters the mouth of the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico. A pilot boat approaches to drop off the Mississippi River boat pilot.
The eerie fog made it look like the ship somehow transported to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.
No sign of Captain Jack Sparrow, but he has to be hiding somewhere. Maybe he's at the Crown & Fin Pub having a tot of Navy Strength Pusser's Rum.
Video taken from deck 10 aft near the Palo restaurant.
Video Belgium SWATH Pilot Boat WESTDIEP
published on 18 October 2021
Article New app: Pilot´s Tug Assist Tool PTAT - Bollard Pull Calculation for Marine Pilots
by Capt. M. Baykal Yaylai - published on 19 February 2020
Required tug power and number of tugs needed in variable conditions of wind, current and waves isin most cases an assessment made by pilots based on their professional experience. However, assessments will raise questions by lawyers if something goes wrong. They will use tools to calculate what really is needed with respect to tug power and number of tugs. They have furthermore the advantage of time.