Article Houston Pilots Practice Part Art, Part Science in Guiding Ships to Port
published on 11 November 2020
Maritime pilots trace the roots of their profession back to the ancient Greeks and Romans when incoming ship captains employed experienced local fisherman to guide their merchant vessels safely into port. It’s a legacy of skill, strength, and sharp wits, and our Houston Pilots (“Pilots”) have been meeting vessels at Galveston’s bar to carry on these proud traditions for just shy of 100 years.
Video Operating an STS Gantry Crane (Joystick Cam): Loading a vessel in the Port of Antwerp
published on 17 November 2020
This cabinview video shows how to control a STS crane, there will follow a video were I show you all the buttons and joystick controls. Lot of people request these video's. This shows how to operate en ship to shore crane with a joystick camera! (DUAL CAM) Make sure you LIKE and SHARE this video is you want more video's like this! Hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment & subscribe! SUB LINK: