
Arrival Bilbao Port Vessel Turning 180 deg During Berthing Operation Real Speed Pilot on Board

published on 30 January 2023 7 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "ForCadets". Originally published on 2023-01-30.
Hello everyone!

This is our new video posted for those interested in the maritime domain,in order to show how seaman's real-life looks like.

I am an experienced Captain and also a consultant.
Founder of ForCadets which is a successful personal and professional development brand.

If you are interested in this industry you can find me on other platforms such as:

If you liked it don't forget like, share and subscribe to my channel.

We are posting weekly videos.

Stay tuned for more!
Bilbao, Spain
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Video 14.5m Pilot Boat Pilotine ST-P145 (chantier Sibiril Technologies)

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M53-01 ST-P145 IPS
Fiche :
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Video Construction of Panama Canal from 1908 and 1914 in color! Part-1

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Spectacular (silent) film footage of the construction of the Panama Canal more than a century ago. The film shows the construction of the Miraflores and Gatun locks in detail as well as the digging of "The Culebra Cut" including steam trains, steam shovels and steam dredgers at work and scenes of the locks an the Canal in its first days op operation in 1914. Wikipedia: The Panama Canal (Spanish: Canal de Panamá) is an artificial 82 km (51 miles) waterway in Panama that connects the...


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Video Video of Training - Arrangements of embarkation and disembarkation of Practical

published on 6 September 2020

Summary: Important lessons, that they can assist the Practical one, in the best possible way, in the transfer operations.
Found on YouTube. Created by "Praticagem do Brasil".
This video was elaborated by the National Council of Praticagem with the objective of reminding to the masters and sailors, some important lessons, so that they can assist the Practical one, in the best possible way, in the transfer operations.