
Arrival Bilbao Port Vessel Turning 180 deg During Berthing Operation Real Speed Pilot on Board

published on 30 January 2023 7 -

Found on YouTube. Created by "ForCadets". Originally published on 2023-01-30.
Hello everyone!

This is our new video posted for those interested in the maritime domain,in order to show how seaman's real-life looks like.

I am an experienced Captain and also a consultant.
Founder of ForCadets which is a successful personal and professional development brand.

If you are interested in this industry you can find me on other platforms such as:

If you liked it don't forget like, share and subscribe to my channel.

We are posting weekly videos.

Stay tuned for more!
Bilbao, Spain
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Fiche :
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The sinking of the oil tanker "Erika" off the French coast in 1999 is known as one of France's worst environmental catastrophes. Following the disaster, the E.U established the European Maritime Safety Agency which operates the vessel traffic monitoring system, SafeSeaNet. How does it protect us? READ MORE : Subscribe to our channel:


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We have heard this said about many keyworkers in the UK over the last couple of months. First it was the NHS, then care workers and social workers, then bus drivers, train operators, lorry drivers and the supermarkets.